Correct 5-Second Violation in Lakers-Raptors game 2/12/12

The 5 second violation at end of Toronto-Los Angeles Lakers game was the correct call; actual count was 5.8 seconds. Click Video Here

See official NBA rule below:

A thrower-in shall not (1) carry the ball onto the court; (2) fail to release the ball within 5 seconds; (3) touch it on the court before it has touched another player; (4) leave the designated throw-in spot; (5) throw the ball so that it enters the basket before touching anyone on the court; (6) step on the court over the boundary line before the ball is released; (7) cause the ball to go out-of-bounds without being touched by a player in the game; (8) leave the playing surface to gain an advantage on a throw-in; (9) hand the ball to a player on the court.

EXCEPTION: After a field goal or free throw as a result of a personal foul or the start of a period, the thrower-in may run the end line or pass to a teammate behind the end line.

PENALTY: Loss of ball. The ball is awarded to the opposing team at the original spot of the throw-in.