Second installment of the NBA Rule Authority

Welcome to our second installment of the NBA Rule Authority. Throughout the 2011-12 season, we will be posting on this page explanations to some of the NBA’s more complicated rules to help fans better enjoy the game. This week’s topic is traveling & dribbling violations.
These are some of the most challenging calls for officials to make, because the speed of action and the complexity of the rules. Below are four examples that will help you better understand what it is referees are looking for on these types of plays.
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TOPIC 2: Traveling & Dribbling Violations
Here are four plays (with explanation and video) to help explain the rule.

Play 1: Travel in the post. Player lifts pivot foot on spin move Click Video Here.

Play 2: Travel. 1-1-2 hop move. Click Video Here

Play 3: Travel on the perimeter. Too many steps after receiving the ball. Click Video Here

Play 4: Discontinued Dribble on the perimeter Click Video Here.