Transcript: NBA Referee Ed Malloy Comments to Pool Reporter after Knicks-Raptors Game

Pool Reporter Transcript

Crew Chief Ed Malloy

Postgame – New York at Toronto, November 10, 2015

NBA Crew Chief Ed Malloy met with pool reporter Eric Koreen of the National Post after the game between the Knicks and Raptors in Toronto tonight. Here is the transcript of that interview:

Question 1: Did the Raptors tell you they were planning on not fouling?

Malloy: They didn’t tell us. They didn’t tell us they weren’t going to take a foul. Honestly, Eric, we’re trained to call fouls when we see them.

Question 2: Did you see Carmelo Anthony step out of bounds?

Malloy: No.

Question 3: Did you see Carmelo Anthony travel?

Malloy: No.

Question 4: Have you reviewed the play since then on video and what did you see?

Malloy: When we came in, we reviewed the play. We did see Anthony step out of bounds and should’ve awarded the ball to Toronto.

Question 5: What was your explanation to Coach [Dwane] Casey at the time?

I don’t really discuss what conversations we have with coaches and things of that nature.